Main Key Features
Employee Management
- Employee personal information
- Contact and dependent info
- Assign job to employee
- Set employee salary
- Set supervisor and subordinate
- Direct deposit
- Employee login
- Create & manage chart of accounts
- Report accounts balance/transaction
- Handle accounts payable
- Handle accounts receivable
- Trans:deposit/expense/transfer
- Categories wise transactions
Payroll Management
- Salary Component
- Pay grade
- Pension fund
- Deduction
- Fine Deduction
- Employee award payment
- Direct deposit
Noticeboard and Event
- Create notice and manage notice
- Create event and manage event
- Notice published/unpublished
- Notice will display employee portal
- Event will display employee portal
- Office holiday handle
- Yearly holiday create
Product & Services
- Inventory product
- Non-inventory product
- Service
- Bundel product
Sales & Purchase
- Create sales invoice/quotation
- Purchase product from vendor
- Send, received money
- Due, over due payment
- Send invoice to customer vendor
- Return purchase
- Received purchase product
Multi language support
- Add any language required
- Add your own translations
- Activate/deactivate languages
HRM Software
Human Resource Management software(HRM) has become one of the most vital tools for any corporate environment. It’s very convincement for any kind of businesses and helps to keep the HR department clean and clear. Modern HRM software is not just a fancy it’s now become an essential tool for maintaining every corporate culture. Any company can use it for their regular tasks, employee workforce management and account management.
Try Demo!HRM Software
Branch Management
Department Management
Designation Management
Employee Management
Attendance Management
Payroll Management
Users Management
Notice Board
Notices Management